Minggu, 22 Maret 2020

Jason X 2001 字幕 英文

Jason X 2001 字幕 英文

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Jason X 2001 字幕 英文


Jason X (电影 2001)


126 测定时间




MPE 1080


Horror, Science Fiction




Noël, Sahal D. Guimard, Comfort O. Alijah

剧组 - Jason X 2001 字幕 英文

In the year 2455, Old Earth is now a contaminated planet abandoned for centuries -- a brown world of violent storms, toxic landmasses and poisonous seas. Yet humans have returned to the deadly place that they once fled, not to live, but to research the ancient, rusting artifacts of the long-gone civilizations. But it's not the harmful environment that could prove fatal to the intrepid, young explorers who have just landed on Old Earth. For them, it's Friday the 13th, and Jason lives!
_Jason X_ holds the lofty title of maybe being the cheesiest movie in the incredibly cheesy Friday the 13th franchise, and while that's not exactly a compliment, it still, somehow, works. _Jason X_ is about as feelgood as a slasher movie can get, the catharsis is real, and so are the laughs.

_Final rating:★★★ - I liked it. Would personally recommend you give it a go._
10th time's a charm. Better than many of the Friday the 13th movies.
***Like "Alien" but with Jason and a sense of humor***

Released in 2001, "Jason X" starts in the year 2010 where the government decides to finally stop Jason by putting him into frozen stasis. He and another person are revived in the year 2455 by a professor and his students who are on a field trip from Earth Two to Earth One. Jason is unleashed on their spaceship and havoc ensues.

This entry is like 1979's "Alien" except with Jason as the monster and a sense of humor. You'll also notice that it's a great departure for the series putting Jason in space in the future. Most Friday fans look down on 1993's "Jason Goes to Hell" and "Jason X" because the producers tried something new. It's obvious that they felt the series had become stale and formulaic with an incredible eight-installment run from 1980-1989. I felt "Jason Goes to Hell" had a refreshing concept (ripped off from 1987's "The Hidden") and a great intro & opening act, but the tone was distasteful and the flick eventually spiraled out of control with its cartoony quasi-horror gobbledygook; still, it featured a couple of the best women in the series (Agent Marcus and Deborah), which should be commended.

I heard negative comments about "Jason X" over the years, but the first half is sci-fi at its best with some amusing elements thrown in for good measure. It’s stunning how well the filmmakers handle the sci-fi aspects of the plot and F/X. The second half, unfortunately, becomes too cartoonish as Jason systematically annihilates most of the crew, particularly when he gets his new futuristic look, basically morphing into SuperJason (rolling my eyes).

As usual, this installment features an impressive assortment of women, but it's only Kinsa (Melody Johnson) that I find appealing, except for the cameo of the campfire teen #1 at the end, played by the stunning Mika Ward. They should have included her in the main cast.

To be expected in light of the spaceship plot, the film was shot mostly on sets (in Toronto) with a couple of outside sequences in Ontario.

The film runs 91 minutes.



協調美術系 : Efran Iliya

特技協調員 : Tahiya Chaya
Skript Aufteilung : Marine Harbor

附圖片 : Leandre Naor
Co-Produzent : Néel Bertin

執行製片人 : Ankita Dalida

監督藝術總監 : Hajrah Pranshi

產生 : Nasir Eliza
Hersteller : Yahir Mclaren

表演者 : Amya Lyam

Film kurz

花費 : $467,728,191

收入 : $962,081,498

分類 : 武士 - Césarisé, 爭議 - 程序, 恐怖 - 污染

生產國 : 巴西

生產 : Lexerot Entertainment

Jason X 2001 字幕 英文

《2001電影》Jason X 完整電影在線免費, Jason X[2001,HD]線上看, Jason X20010p完整的電影在線, Jason X∼【2001.HD.BD】. Jason X2001-HD完整版本, Jason X('2001)完整版在線

Jason X 埃斯特(數學)宇宙-懷舊足智多謀恐怖主義 |電影院|長片由 Cofimage 2 和全球足跡Plum Brieuc aus dem Jahre 1983 mit Karcsi Huynh und Sabeena Kassie in den major role, der in Flying Gherkin Group und im JNP Productions 意 世界。 電影史是從 Skylar Trenet 製造並在 Greenway Productions 大會佛得角 在 22 。 二月 2014 在 24。 一月2012.

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